Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2016 movies continue

Before I get to my movie list for today, I did some weekend errands (then why is this post titled just about movies), including taking the wife's car in for the oil change.

I got home with lunch, and got caught up on the FIA WRX round 10 in Latvia.  What an awesome race!  It is a new track and 1st time for all the drivers.  The 1st two heats were normal racing.  But then they got rain.  And that is when the fun began.  Lots of missed turns, rubbing, bumping, and crashing.  All drivers are OK, which is always the awesome part after seeing them wreck.  There were even 2 Latvia drivers in the race, Baumanis and Nitiss.  I was rooting for them both to take the podium.  But they didn't make it past their semi-final.  And my favorite driver, Ken Block, didn't even make it to a semi-final.  Though his team mate Andreas Bakkerud did make it to the final, but he didn't podium.  The winners in this round were:
  1. Sebastian Loeb - French
  2. Mattias Ekstrom - Swedish
  3. Timmy Hansen - Swedish
Congrats to them!  And great racing to all! (Oh sure. Way to include all the drivers).  Can't wait to watch the next round at Estering track in Germany on Oct 14-16.

On to my Halloween movie marathon progress (well it's about time).  Today I actually watched two (you do like to live adventureously on the weekend, don't you):
  1. Bloodrayne
  2. DOOM

Both movies based on video game franchises.  Bloodrayne is alright (keep telling yourself that).  The move is a set during the Dark Ages with vampires.  And even though DOOM lacks what really makes the games awesome, I do still enjoy watching it. (Well at least it wasn't directed by that Uwe Boll guy.  Probably would have had it take place entirely on Earth, and have the monsters be some sort of military or corporate genetic weapon gone wrong.)

(I would have some sort of closing, but I can't think right now. So. . .good fight!  Good night!)

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