Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 2016 more movies

Well instead of daily posting of the movies I have been watching, I figure I would just do a weekly posting (good. otherwise that would be just silly).  Here is the list for this past week:

  1. Resident Evil: Degeneration
  2. Resident Evil (live action)
  3. Resident Evil: Apocalypse
  4. Resident Evil: Extinction
  5. Frankenstein (1931)
  6. The Mummy (1932)
  7. The Invisible Man (1933)
On the Resident Evil movies, I do enjoy them all (really?).  However, I prefer the CGI movies over the live action.  Big surprise there, right? (not really.)  The CGI movies seem to be a lot closer to the games, revolving around the main characters from the games (of course they are).  The live action ones are entertaining, but would have been much better if they were closer to the video game stories and characters.  Maybe when a few years have passed after the 6th one, someone else can come in and give us better live action ones (don't bet on it).  The other thing that bugs me about the live action movies, is that they went the zombie apocalypse route.  Something that most all other live action movies have done.  Personally, I think this idea is way over used, and too easy to do.  Plus it's predictable.  Look a new zombie movie.  Let me guess, a group of people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse?  Yep.  "Yay!" He says sarcastically ( where did that come from I wonder).  At least the CGI movies still have civilization with a zombie virus outbreak, and I think that alone makes them better.

As to the other 3 movies, can you believe that this is the first time that I am actually watching them? (Not really.)  I can't either.  I should have done this years ago (duh).  They are very good, even today.  I am watching the off the DVR, so I may not get to see some of the other classic monster movies this year.  But I do want to work on picking them up on DVD or Blu-ray so that I can watch them any time and without commercials.

On a non-movie related note (again? really? you should broaden your blog post titles if that is what you are going to do), I have been picking up candy for the office.  I don't ask for anything in return, and it is there for all to enjoy.  This year I have been focusing more on vegan acceptable candy as another co-team (not sure if that really is a thing, but I don't care!) has a couple vegans and I want them to feel included.  Turns out Swedish Fish and Laffy Taffy are vegan friendly.  And they have been a big hit.  So this weekend I have picked up both for the office.

Danger Zone!  (what?!?!?)

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