Sunday, October 2, 2016

A recent interest

For whomever (or is it whoever; darn grammar) reads this out there in internet land, here is something that I have an interest in.  Well technically it will be a few, but at the top level it is one. (Don't over think it.)

Auto racing.  More specifically:
  1. Red Bull Global Rally Cross
  2. FIA World Rally Cross
  3. Stadium Super Trucks
  4. The Off Road Championship (TORC)
  5. Lucas Oil Short Course Trucks
  6. The Dakar Rally
  7. Formula Drift
Did you think I was going to list NASCAR? (I think you did. Is it because I'm an American?)  Ha ha.  Though honestly I did try watching it a few seasons, and even attended an event in town.  I just couldn't really get in to it.  Not enough jumps and banging around I guess. (They do jumps in Formula Drift?) But not Formula Drift.  They frown upon bashing and jumping.

What got me really started in the above is this guy: Ken Block.  A few r/c companies did some models based on his cars.  I decided to find out more and came across his Gymkhana videos.  From there found out he was in the Red Bull GRC.  And this year he moved from there to the FIA WRX.  The others were started by Traxxas having short course trucks, Robby Gordon, and the LaTrax 1/18 Stadium Super Trucks.  And since Robby Gordon participates in the Dakar, I started trying to catch the highlights on those races.  I got into watching the Formula Drift from Vaughn Gittin Jr and Justin Pawlak.  Two other drivers that have also licensed r/c cars.

Most of the time I have to catch replays on their sites or YouTube.  Red Bull GRC used to play on a TV channel I get, but not this season.  So it's been a little difficult for me to watch those races.  With the FIA WRX, and I can catch the delayed broadcast of their live stream.  Which is awesome that they do this, especially since most of their races are in Europe and happen early in the morning (when I like to continue sleeping).

Last year, I was able to catch the Red Bull GRC here in town.  For the most part it was fun, but could have done without the rain.  Even though it is more fun to watch them race in the rain.  But this season they are coming to town.  And neither are the Stadium Super Trucks.  I was hoping they would.  Oh well, guess I'm stuck trying to catch the full races on the internet.

These races I really enjoy watching.  I'm usually rooting for the above mentioned drivers, along with anyone from Sweden.  (Why Sweden?)  Possibly a heritage thing?  Hmmmm...  And I also root for the women drivers.  We need more women auto racing drivers, especially in the Rally Cross and Drift. Ah heck, we need them in all circuits/genres.  Whatever you call the different types of racing.

Anyways, that's all this time.

Drive safe, and drink responsibly! (Wait.  Where did the drinking come from?)

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