Saturday, November 5, 2016

October movies week 4

And almost a week late.   Here is the list:

  • Zoombies
  • The Mummy 1999
  • Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
  • The Wolfman 2010
  • I, Frankenstein
  • The Fog
  • Hotel Transylvania
  • Monsters vs Aliens
  • Dracula 1931
  • The House of Dracula
  • The Wolf Man 1941
  • Young Frankenstein
  • The Addams Family
I know that Universal is rebooting their monsters and trying to do a shared universe like the MCU.  Too bad they couldn't include The Wolfman and I, Frankenstein into it.  I actually enjoyed watching those movies.  Though I do have to admit that the original Wolf Man is better.  But I do like the new take on Frankenstein's monster with I, Frankenstein.  Oh well, I guess we'll wait and see what Universal does.  I hope the keep with the original Wolf Man, mostly.  I do like the idea that he is a reluctant werewolf in search of a cure.

Zoombies.  Well what's there to say about that one.  It's a Syfy pictures movie (The Asylum).  So basically what you would expect: a bunch of zoo animals become zombies and kill people, while a group of people try to escape.

Unfortunately I didn't get chance to watch any movies on Halloween.  But I did go over to younger sister-in-law's house and help hand out candy.  Yay!

Earlier at work, I wore some of my costume t-shirts.  I also participated in a potluck by baking some gluten free peanut butter cookies.  I actually tried to make them vegan.  No, I'm not vegan.  I also got in my new iPhone.  My previous one was requiring a recharge before i even left work, and after a full night of charging.  But the phone is over 3 years old too.  So it was time.  It was an OK Halloween.

At work, we have been allowed to grow beards again. So I have been doing that.  And I also found out that there are beard care products.  I have tried some from Badass Beard Care.  Next I am going to try some from Texas Beard Co.  I've been going for the outdoorsy scents.  So far I am likely the cedar and pine smell.  Oh, and no shave November is just like any other month for me now.

That's all for now.

Happy November!

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