Sunday, November 6, 2016

chairs and comics

Yesterday I got a new office chair.  Well, computer chair for home.  The one I have been using is easily 15+ years old, and has been showing its age for awhile.  I was supposed to get a chair from the in-laws.  Instead, that went to my younger sister in-law and her husband.  Mom in-law provided funds to get a new chair instead.  We went shopping at Staples.  I was going to get a small one, but wife convinced me to get a bigger one.  So I did.  And it is very nice to have a new chair.  I just assembled it this morning, and so far it is very good.  Hope that I can keep it nice and it lasts 15+ years.

For those that know me and follow me on social outlets know that I like comic books and characters.  Just last year I actually started collecting more comics.  My usual has been trying to get any Predator comics.  This is my favorite sci-fi/comic character.  Bad-ass aliens with kick-ass technology!  Sorry for the language. (no.  no you are not.)  They have actually been doing a lot for Aliens and Predator the past few years.  Here are some titles:

  • Archie vs Predator
  • Vampirella vs Aliens
  • Fire and Stone under the following:
    • Aliens
    • Predators
    • Aliens vs Predators
    • Prometheus
  • Dredd vs Predator
The Fire and Stone was done with 4 parts under each franchise(?), giving a total of 16 comics.  Now I am not sure what order to actually read them in as I am sure they all reference each other.  Dark Horse Comics is doing a new arc for the Aliens/Predator franchises called Life and Death.  And it is being done in the same manner, but being released one franchise at a time.  I guess this is to help us know where to start reading.  Hopefully this will encompass all 4 franchises.

I am also getting:
  • the main Star Wars arc
  • Deadpool
  • Deadpool/Spider-man
  • Deadpool and the Mercs for Money
  • Puppet Master
  • Batman Beyond
  • Oblivion
  • The Shadow
  • The Lone Ranger and Green Hornet
Plus some other one-offs and short arcs.  The only problem is that I need to read them.  I really should set aside time for comic reading.  (I never expected to say that as an adult.)  There are so many more that I would like to get, but I need to keep my comic book budget in check.  After all I do have other pricey hobbies.

Well that's all for now.

Party on Wayne!  Party on Darth!

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