Saturday, December 31, 2011

H a p p y N e w Y e a r s E v e , y ' a l l ! Ø<߉

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Another site to not blog...

I have started up another blog:  This one is dedicated to my R/C crawlers.  After my little adventure on Wednesday, I want to try to get out more.  I will still post all my other stuff to this one.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

SCX10: The First Video

Here is my first video upload:
This is the first run of my SCX10 Trail Honcho.  And also my first completed video project.  All was done on my iPhone.  I know there are some amateur video mistakes.  Doing the video editing on an iPhone is not the best.  But I was able to get 'er done.  The apps used in the project are all iPhone apps:
  1. Default iPhone camera for video and photo capture.
  2. iMovie for the actual video editing, added sound effects, and intro background music.
  3. PhotoStudio to "touch up" the title photos.
  4. Strip Design for the remaining photos and special effect.
Even though there are many limitations using the apps listed, I did have fun and would do more all iPhone videos.  I have some other video apps that I want to try out.

If you do wish to try this out yourself, I recommend planning ahead if possible, keeping the project simple, and doing some testing to get to know the available capabilities of the apps you do use.  Just remember that you are editing on an iPhone.

Have fun and enjoy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New to my R/C garage

I have some new additions to my R/C garage.

First up was actually acquired last year.  This is my Traxxas T-Maxx 2.5 Nitro Monster Truck.
     I love the smell of nitro in the morning!
Unfortunately, I have only run this during the engine break-in process.  I'm not sure if I'll get to run it any time soon as I need some fuel and a free Saturday.  Play time during the day, and cleanup in the evening.

Next up is the Tamiya DB-01 Durga, an electric 4wd off road buggy.  This was a late birthday gift from me.  The kit took me about 1 month to assemble and paint.  Even though it took some time, I did enjoy putting it together.  It runs good and is not too fast (at least with the running gear I use).

The latest addition is the Axial SCX10 Trail Honcho kit, an electric 4wd scale rock crawler.  Another fun time assembling.  I also included some new running gear and some external details.  It also has working lights.  I didn't think I would get into a scale crawler, but after getting this I have some plans.  Not evil take-over-the-world plans, but plans for this being a hobby/project truck.
One of those plans is shooting a run-time video and trying my hand at some video editing.  Be on the look out for an upcoming video project, where I use only my iPhone.


Well, it's about time...

Apparently I am not a very active blogger.  It's been several holidays and other days of significance already, so...
  1. Happy Birthday to my wife (yes I did tell her this on her birthday)
  2. Happy Memorial Day
  3. Happy Independence Day
  4. Happy Birthday to me!
  5. Happy Labor Day
  6. Happy Columbus Day
  7. Happy Anniversary to us
  8. Happy Halloween
  9. Happy Veterans Day (and thank you for all your service)
  10. Happy Thanksgiving
If you celebrate any other holiday, then happy ______ day.

I also went to a family reunion earlier this summer up in Utah, and got a little toasted.  But I'm feeling much better, now.  It was fun.  Got sun.  Played physical Frisbee.  Ate food.  Spent time with wife and in-laws.

For our anniversary, we went to The Melting Pot.  A very good restaurant, especially if you like fondu.  We spent a couple of hours there enjoying our time.  We will definitely go back again.

On the computer front, desktop #2 is acting up.  It's been having problems starting up.  Most likely the video card needs to be updated.  This is on the list of sometime-in-the-future upgrades.  Once it is up and running, it does what I need.  PC #1 with Windows 7 is still running strong.  I haven't done a BSOD on it yet, but give me time.

I'm still fighting crime in Paragon City.  Apparently that place is just endless with crime.  A superhero's work is never done.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter everybody! For added fun, paint the Easter eggs camouflage. And it's duck season, right?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stormtroopers want you!

The Stormtroopers were over joyed hearing the Village People's In the Navy.  They loved it so much they decided to use it as a recruiting campaign.  This, unfortunately, never came to be.  There were only 3 Troopers that could sing.  The Empires' strict uniform policy wouldn't allow the Troopers to really show off what they could do.  And the 3 Troopers that could sing were unfortunately on the first Death Star during the Rebel attack.  We shall remember you Ace, Nitro, and little Mikey.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy All Fools' Day! Today the paranoid can walk around justified. I just hope those space aliens from my last abduction don't participate.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to kill Vampires...

There is a 3rd method.  It involves werewolves.  But then you got to wait for a full moon and clean up after them.  Who needs that extra work?  I have a cat and babysit a dog.  I have enough cleanup already.
"Clean-up, isle 6.  We have a pack of werewolves getting into the Kibbles 'n Bits and Beggin' Strips again.  Don't forget the silver this time."
The picture is from a shirt that i saw on a website somewhere sometime ago.  I'm sure if you do a Google or Bing search, you can find it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rad Electrons

I am Rad Electrons.  A super hero in the city of Paragon, where there are many, many, many other super heroes.  My name comes from a phrase I overheard at my "normal" job.  Some one was trying to explain to a customer why a file was corrupted.  They replied that the cause was due to free radical electrons colliding with their data.  I don't know if this is true, but back in the good ol' days of mechanical technology they were called gremlins.  When I acquired my super powers of electricity, I decided to use this phrase for my name.  However, the super hero registry would not allow the full phrase due to character limitation.  I guess there database had been hit with those "free radical electrons".  So I had to go with a truncated version: Rad Electrons!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hey all, happy Saint Patrick's day! Eat, drink, and be merry! But remember to be safe, and watch out for those pesky Leprachauns.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Piper & RJ

Issue #2: Bed time

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Piper Cat

Piper & Rj

Issue #1: Piper gets a new buddy.

A comic by Eric Benson staring Piper and RJ.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Just a quick entry. Got a new phone and just playing around. So far, having fun. Bye for now!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Just a quick little post to say...