Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Well, it's about time...

Apparently I am not a very active blogger.  It's been several holidays and other days of significance already, so...
  1. Happy Birthday to my wife (yes I did tell her this on her birthday)
  2. Happy Memorial Day
  3. Happy Independence Day
  4. Happy Birthday to me!
  5. Happy Labor Day
  6. Happy Columbus Day
  7. Happy Anniversary to us
  8. Happy Halloween
  9. Happy Veterans Day (and thank you for all your service)
  10. Happy Thanksgiving
If you celebrate any other holiday, then happy ______ day.

I also went to a family reunion earlier this summer up in Utah, and got a little toasted.  But I'm feeling much better, now.  It was fun.  Got sun.  Played physical Frisbee.  Ate food.  Spent time with wife and in-laws.

For our anniversary, we went to The Melting Pot.  A very good restaurant, especially if you like fondu.  We spent a couple of hours there enjoying our time.  We will definitely go back again.

On the computer front, desktop #2 is acting up.  It's been having problems starting up.  Most likely the video card needs to be updated.  This is on the list of sometime-in-the-future upgrades.  Once it is up and running, it does what I need.  PC #1 with Windows 7 is still running strong.  I haven't done a BSOD on it yet, but give me time.

I'm still fighting crime in Paragon City.  Apparently that place is just endless with crime.  A superhero's work is never done.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!


  1. Hahahahahaha, you are so funny! PS. What the heck is a "BSOD"?

  2. It is actually a technical term recognized by Microsoft. It stands for "Blue Screen Of Death". Basically a blue screen with white text.
