Saturday, November 10, 2012

Vegas Snow

While blogging away and some other stuff, I noticed rain drops on the patio.  Then I looked up and saw white particles on the patio table.  When looking further, it turns out that it was snowing.  All I can say is "Woohoo!"  So like a tourist, I grabbed my iPhone and took pictures and told the wife.  We got more pictures.  My 2nd thought was "We're gonna have a white thanksgiving."  But alas the snow didn't last.  Apparently it's cold enough to snow but not stick.  But it's still awesome.  I don't go to a lot of places where it does snow, so any in Vegas is always a joy for me.

Let it snow playa! (disclaimer: may not be suitable for young viewers; this video is more appropriate for the Christmas season; blogger is not responsible for any actions that occur from watching this video)

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