Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 4th Fun

Well July 4th off was fun.  We had the eldest nephew spend the night on July 3rd.  Up at 06:30 and watched him and the wife play Lego Star Wars.  He was a blast to listen to as he played, really getting into the game.  While they continued, I decided to work on my Venom Creeper truck, trying to get the remote diff locking feature working.  Didn't happen.  The truck is still in the "garage".

At some point in the morning, the middle nephew came over to join in the Lego Star Wars.  After awhile, we decided to go see movies.  We all didn't want to watch the same one.  So wife and oldest nephew went to see Brave while middle nephew and me went to see Madagascar 3.  Madagascar 3 is a great movie continuing the NY zoo animal's quest to return back to NY City.  The penguins are awesome as always.

After the movies, we went over to the in-laws for dinner and fireworks.  We had a fun time with the family.  Pop in-law grilled up the typical burgers and dogs.  Yummy as always.  There were some salads, chips, and watermelon balls.  For dessert, younger sis in-law made up some home made Oreo cookies ice cream.  Yummy yummy.

Then it was time for the lights and noise in celebration of our great nation.  I was the designated igniter, or I guess the proper term would be the amateur weekend Pyrotechnician (not a professional of course, not yet anyways).  The nephews selected the fireworks to light, and as each was done they used their squirt guns to water them down.  The event photographers got some great pictures, especially of the nephews with the sparklers.

All in all, a great day to celebrate our Independence Day.

1 comment:

  1. you did a great job of pyro-ing. the burgers and dogs were easy, the watermelon balls were the most difficult.... glad you're a good uncle to the newphews.
