Monday, May 21, 2012

Ghost Recon Alpha

I was watching the Monday Film Riot, and the host suggested this for his short of the week.  Now I haven't been one for checking out the shorts suggested, but when he mentioned the name I had to this week.  Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is a series of military video games.  I haven't played any yet, but after watching this short film I may just have to.

I don't know much about the Ghost Recon story line, but something tells me that this is how a video game based live action movie should be.  Too bad only the good quality video game movies are short films by the game developers and fans.

I do enjoy the big budget production ones too: Tomb Raider, Doom, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and several others.  Yes, I enjoy watching Jean Claude Van Damme's Street Fighter movie.  But it's the short films like this that make me look back at those big productions and shake my head.

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