Thursday, May 31, 2012

More Crawling

Here is my latest crawling trailer:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ghost Recon Alpha

I was watching the Monday Film Riot, and the host suggested this for his short of the week.  Now I haven't been one for checking out the shorts suggested, but when he mentioned the name I had to this week.  Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon is a series of military video games.  I haven't played any yet, but after watching this short film I may just have to.

I don't know much about the Ghost Recon story line, but something tells me that this is how a video game based live action movie should be.  Too bad only the good quality video game movies are short films by the game developers and fans.

I do enjoy the big budget production ones too: Tomb Raider, Doom, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, and several others.  Yes, I enjoy watching Jean Claude Van Damme's Street Fighter movie.  But it's the short films like this that make me look back at those big productions and shake my head.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Avengers assemble!

I went and saw The Avengers movie with my wife Friday morning.  It was GREAT!  We both loved this movie.  If you like any of the previous movies leading up to The Avengers, go see this movie.

The Good:
  • Plenty of action.
  • No "this is slow, wake we when it's over" scenes.
  • Great interaction between the heroes, and with the villain. (The Hulk has a couple of great scenes.)
  • Can't wait for Blu-ray!
The Bad:
  •  The only bad that I can come up with is that the comic fans for The Avengers will find stuff to complain about. (I have my opinions about this but I'm not going to get into that.)

For me, this is by far the best Marvel superhero movie yet (even better than any of the X-Men movies).  Part of what makes this great is the way Marvel leads up to it.  They did it the right way: giving the main heroes their own movies, and bringing them together using Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.  If you know something about the individual heroes and The Avengers, you could probably skip all the previous movies (Iron Man 1 and 2, the Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America) and still enjoy and follow along with this movie.  I do hope they make a trilogy of this.

With this movie, I also hope that DC Comics is taking some notes.  This is what they need to do to get a decent Justice League movie.  But with they way all of their recent non-Batman movies have been going, we might have a long wait.

* Please note that the picture used was cropped from one of the wallpaper images downloaded from  All rights belong to Marvel.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Avengers assemble!
Happy birthday to my wonderful wife!