Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Christmas! all and to all a Merry New Year!

Yes, I know it's been months since I last wrote on this here internet thing.

I recently attempted to get one of my R/C cars into the Christmas spirit. I had picked up some parts that I ordered for my Team Losi Micro-T. For those not in the know, this is a 1/36 scale hobby grade radio control truck. Fun little buggers and great for indoor racing/bashing during the cold winter months. The new body I picked up I attempted to give it a Christmas feel with red and a little white, and adding some glittery tint to it. It didn't turn out to well. More than a little was used on the glittery-ness (it's a word now). The picture below makes it look better than it actually is.

Original Micro-T out of the box.

A little size comparison with Piper "Furball" Benson. Yes, same truck with optional parts.

The Micro-T Christmas Special! (optional lights sold separately)

Visit Team Losi from some really great R/C kits and RTR's (that means Ready To Run)

This is truly a great little truck. It comes already built with everything you need in one box ready to roll. Spare parts, and even the optional parts, are cheap. (Funny note: as I was typing this I accidentally started to respond back to my wife with "i love you cheap". Please note that trying to multitask while blogging is very bad. Tracey did have a good laugh and I did respond properly.)

When I do run my little truck, Piper has fun chasing it. That's all she does. I drive one way and she runs after it. I driver another way, and she runs after it. Fun for all, pets included. Well maybe not fish. Water and electronics are very bad too.

And back to Christmas. Here are a few Holiday tips from one of our favorite comedians, Jeff Dunham (a.k.a. puppet boy):
(Disclaimer: this is all in fun, and is humerous. please do not try these at home as injury can occur. anything attempted from these tips are at your own risk!)

  • To remove tree sap from your hands, use butter or cooking oil. To remove butter or cooking oil from your hands, use tree sap.
  • To remove dust from Christmas ornaments, use a blow dryer on the lowest setting. If you don't have a blow dryer, use dynamite. On the low setting of course.
  • If your family celebrates Christmas and Hanukkah, put up a Christmas tree and a Hanukkah bush. And keep in mind that no matter what you do, you'll never be fully accepted by either group.
  • Remember, never use electric lights on a metallic Christmas tree. Or the tree could explode!
  • If you're going to deep fry your turkey this year here is an important safety tip: Remember kids, do it only when your parents are gone! And in the living room next to the drapes.
  • For great holiday memories make a scrap book filled with photos and cards. Oh look, there's creepy uncle Frank touching little Johnny.
  • To ensure that the turkey and stuffing have reached a safe temperature, always use a thermometer. Make sure it's a meat thermometer and not the one you just had in your butt.

Remember all, have a happy Christmas and a merry New Year! (And be safe throughout all your holiday celebrations!)


  1. Glad you're back posting again. The little red truck is really cool, as for the Christmas tips.........even Hallmark doesn't have the right words.

  2. Nice little trucks! Christmas tips are just too funny.
