Wednesday, July 10, 2013

R/C update

I finally got to paint up a new body for my Tamiya DB-01 Durga buggy.  I've actually had the body for a while now, just never got to it.  For the colors, I did the main body in metallic blue backed by silver, 1 rear wing in black, and 1 rear wing in silver.  This will somewhat match my Axial EXO Terra buggy.  I also cut out some openings to help ventilate the battery and motor.

Prep work:

All painted:

New body with a shot of each wing:

Now I just need to take the new look out for a spin.

July 4th part 2

I had a good day off on July 4th.

The day started with cleaning the BBQ grill.  Oh what fun to clean a grill in the morning heat.

After that, went out with the wife.  She wanted to take me to the Rumbi Island Grill, but they were closed.  So instead we went to Smash Burger.  I enjoy their burgers and Smash fries.  They're not gourmet, but the are better than other fast-food burger places.

We decided to go see The Lone Ranger at the Galaxy Theaters Luxury+ Green Valley.  On the way we stopped at Starbucks.  Our drinks ended up being free due to the long wait through drive thru.  We got to the theaters, and we ended up in the 1st row due to assigned seating at this theater.  Even though our seats were bad, the movie was still fun to watch.

After the movie, we headed home for some BBQ dinner.  I got the grilled fired up, and cooked up some slider size burgers and turkey hotdogs.  I think I cooked them a little too long, but still tasty.  We also had a side of beans.  A very good 4th of July meal.

Once dinner was done, we headed back out to catch some fireworks over at the Red Rock Casino.  Getting there and parked across the street wasn't bad.  We got to some some OK fireworks.  The show only lasted 9 minutes and had a very abrupt and unexpected end (found out the next day at work that the last 2 little fireworks were actually supposed to have been shot off earlier).  After the not so grand finale came time to leave.  Spent more time getting out of the parking lot than it did to drive there, park, and watch the short fireworks show.  But we finally made it out.

For our day's finale, we stopped off at Sonic for a couple of shakes.  I very nice and cool end, especially since we got there when the shakes were half off.

The day had it's ups and downs, but it was a great time with my wife.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th 2013

Happy Independence Day!