Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Post Birthday

Well my day for the year has come and gone.  The wife got me a new Boba Fett shirt, as the other one I have has too many holes.  I finished up getting the Godzilla new millennium movie series.  A great set of newer monster movies making good use of recent movie effects.  Finally got the Expendables on DVD, just in time for the sequel coming later.  Also got an AC/DC DVD.  A great show with a lot of great songs.  Angus Young is a show all on his own.

I finally have been making some progress on the Creeper.  Head over to Chuckwalla Crawler for more details.

This past weekend I finally made it outside for some gardening, and used the new hedge trimmer.  Works great, no cut cords, and all appendages are still attached.  Bushes are looking much better, but still now prize winner.  Now I just need to pick up a blower vac to help get all those little leaves and such.  Another trip to the Home Depot power tool isle.

And I finally got in all the guitar stuff.  The speaker cabinet was supposed to be delivered the Friday before I started vacation, but it ended up being damaged in transit.  Short story: carrier sent it back, I worked with Guitar Center customer service, and was able to finally get the replacement sent out.  It was a little bigger than I expected but it just barely squeezed into the back seat of my car.  After I got it inside, got it opened and tested it out.  Not at full volume, and didn't even dare go above 1/4 volume.  So I have a new amp head and 4x12 speaker cab.  Now I just need to practice and learn some real guitar playing (and look up the sound ordinance laws for our neighborhood).

The wife thinks I should start a band with all that I have.  Just need a drum set, maybe a keyboard, and a few more members that can play, and it's all good.