Thursday, April 5, 2012

iPhone and Film Riot

I sat down to catch the latest on Film Riot, and todays episode is on shooting with the iPhone.  Their short turned out great.  They also gave a few tips to help with shooting, which they have used for a lot of their other episodes.

The biggest of which is using a rig to help with steadiness.  The rig they used is the Owle Bubo for iPhone 4.  It seems to be a very nice rig for the hand-held look, but at around $148 on Amazon I will pass on this.  Instead, I am going to try to get the SnapMount Tripod Mount for the iPhone.  This is much cheaper.  It won't help with hand-held steadiness.  I'm looking for a way to mount my iPhone on a tripod for a low price.

There was also a quick blurb on a camera app: FiLMiC Pro.  They recommend this over the regular camera recording app included on the iPhone.  From what they showed, it definitely has improvements over the built-in app.  Looks like I'll be picking up another iTunes card.

On to the episode:

I know that there are lots of posts and videos about shooting with an iPhone, along with just about anything else.  That's the novelty of the internet for you.  What I like is that these guys are covering it.  They show you great stuff and have fun doing it.  They have good info, good tips, good shorts, and plenty of humor.  If you like anything about making your own videos and film, please check out more of their episodes.  (I do recommend parental guidance as some things may not be appropriate for young viewers.)

That's a wrap!