Sunday, February 19, 2012

Update time... misquote Obadiah Stane from Iron Man.  May can't get here quick enough.  For my wife's birthday of course.  Which the celebration will include going to see The Avengers (unless the release date changes).  Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and the Hulk.  I'm sure the new actor will do a good Bruce Banner, but what will the Hulk smash?

In other movie info, what would Abraham Lincoln do if he came across Vampires?  He would eliminate them.  "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" is a new movie out this year.  The trailer looks good and I can't wait to see the movie.  Go Team Lincoln!

Speaking of movies, I just uploaded a new crawler video.  This one of my Losi Micro Rock Crawler.  Head over to here to check it out (yes I'm cross-plugging my blogs).  It is another iPhone video project, but this time I used a different app: Splice.  It's not bad.  It is a little easier to clip the video clips added into the time-line.  You can also actually add title clips in.  With iMovie, I actually created pictures for my titles and brought those in.  Splice seems to actually import the video clips into the project, where iMovie just makes a reference to the clips.  For me, Splice is the better app on this point as I tend to organize my videos, but iMovie will let you search for the missing clips.  Splice has some downsides for me.  There are a limited number of transitions, no themes, and you have to make in-app purchases for additional assets.  I'll be jumping between the 2 as I do further projects as they both are good for what you get.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy Superbowl XLVI Sunday! Go Vikings!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It has begun!

No, not the final tournament for the realm of Earth.  But my army of minion robots.  Er...paper robots that is.  I have completed my first robot from a "fold your own robot" calendar, given to me as a gift from my wife.  Little did she know it would lead to arming me with an army of robot minions!  

Here is my first completed minion:

And for my minion-bot's first mission, to make sure the right team wins in the super bowl.

Well it's a new month with a new robot to assemble.