Saturday, August 28, 2010

Diamond Eyes

Well I finally went and saw The Expendables.  A very good action movie.  Explosions.  Guns.  Knives.  Explosions.  Guns.  Explosions.  Car chases.  Explosions.  This won't win best picture of the year, and that is not the goal.  This is a fun action film, and nothing more.  To me, it's kind of like Commando but with less back ground details on the characters.  Are you supposed to care about the characters and have an emotional bond?  Nope.  You have a bunch of action stars in the same movie.  Goal?  Fight, shoot, and blow things up.  And maybe have a reason to do it.  I definitely enjoyed watching this.  If you are looking for an involved, deep, realistic move, look elsewhere.  Please.  Again, this is just a fun action flick.  I gave it a 9/10 on

And Diamond Eyes?  Well you know that song during the first trailer?  That is the name of it, by Shinedown.  A very decent song.  Look it up on youtube and give it a listen.

Remember, this is just my opinion.  I am not a professional critic, nor do I play one anywhere.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independance Day 2010

Happy 4th of July USA!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hi there. Just a test blog from mobile. Since i do like technology, might as well take some advantage of it. New format still in progress.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Warning! Construction Zone!

This blog will be changing soon. Hopefully very soon. Why? Well I apparently don't have enough going on with rock crawling. Rad who? Electrons what? More information will come...soon.