Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hello world.

Just a quick post up. Along with R/C I also enjoy computers and techie things. I stumbled across a little internet show titled Systm. They show all kinds of things from computer stuff to robots to building your own light sabre. They even have taken time out to do some cooking. Cooking you ask? That's right, techies cooking doing it techie style. They make ice cream using liquid nitrogen. Sounds dangerous. Well watch the episode by clicking on ice cream above (or for those that want to cut and paste: http://www.revision3.com/systm/icecream). The great thing about this show is they go over safety, safety, safety. Pay attention to the entire episode if you wish to try this little adventure yourself. If you are under age or have a tenancy to be "unstable" as it were (i.e. knocking things down, shakey or nervous around dangerous stuff, or have some really wacky ideas that your conscience just won't override), please use common sense and have a trusted adult with you. Safety first!

I would try this myself, but I don't want to try in an apartment, I have a curious cat running about, and I can be a little unstable (just ask the wife, or if you know my phone number call to listen to my greeting).

Anyways, if anyone out there that knows me does do this, please let me know how it goes. Or even better, send an invite to join in on the festivities!

I'll be back! (some time later on).